Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's Friggin COLD Outside!

Yes I'm a born and raised Minnesotan but no matter how many years of living in this state, one never gets used to the sub zero temperatures. Thankfully spring is just 2 months away.

Yesterday at bowling my team "Stayin Alive" skillfully won a pizza as we all got strikes in the 5th frame of the second game, otherwise known as "Pizza Frame". This is the second pizza we have won as a team this year setting a new record. It's not very easy to do.

As I ate the pizza I chanced to notice this sign denoting Leine's beer of the month:

Leine's Big Butt. Just recently, Fat Tire (not from Leine's) made a come back. Who gets to name these beers?

I just found the Big Butt to be extremely funny for some reason. :)

It was a good afternoond for bowling. My team won 5 out of 7 points, personally I rolled a 179, 191, 144. The first game I matched the magic number of "79" and won a free drink, the second game our team had a score of 777 along with winning the pizza, the third game we all kind of fell apart though. I started off great but had 3 splits in a row and couldn't pull anything back together. I won the card game though.

Only 9 more weeks left of Tuesday bowling and next Sunday the annual highly anticipated "Red Eye League" starts. 10 sunday mornings of loud, rambunctious, and drunken (from some but not myself) behavior. It's a riot, it's 4 games, my brother Robbie and I won it last year and have a title to defend.

He's carrying about a 230 average this year, mine's dropped 10 pins to a 161. Our father and friend Homer are forming a new rival team to match the team of my best friend Troy and Homer's son Dustin.

Not much else is going on in my life at the moment, though it won't be long 'til summer rolls around and I'll be back in the thralls of school and prepping for my sister's wedding.

Stay warm and drink lots of hot cocoa for now!

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