Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Aren't We the Dickens?

There are more days than not when I just want to ask God: "Why do you even put up with us humans?"

People are so finicky, and shifty.
We have people that kill others and people who feed the homeless; people who have abortions and people who adpot unwanted babies; people who have no conscience and only pursue their lust for greed and people who give all they have and live a meager existence in the hopes of making the world a better place; people who look to the religious fads of the day and people who stick to long held traditional religion.
There are people who live in mansions and have servants, and there are still human being who live in tribes- like animal herds.

There are all sorts. All sinners but if you think about being around a child- a disobedient child at that- through all the tantrums, and "no"s, and crying.....if you see just that one moment of hope; one moment of goodness- all the bad stuff seems to fade away.

God must be like that.

People bicker and complain about EVERYTHING, yet if there's some universal crisis, we unite like no one ever thought possible.......until the crisis is over then we quickly forget and go on with life as it was.

I hate election time, especially the presidential election year. I hate the ads. I hate the bickering, the put downs, the false promises. Elections seem to evoke the worst characteristics of humanity.
And I can't say I really feel good about voting for any candidate. With all the scandals, and greed I feel like voting is putting my life in danger.
Not that I think 1 person can make all the difference but there is a significant sway.

Then one or 2 years from now, we will all forget the whole thing and mocl even those we ourselves voted for.

People will still be causing and fighting violence.
God will still be watching....probably shaking his head.

Aren't we people the dickens?

Yesteday's bowling scores: 177, 132, 151. Ouch.

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