Monday, February 04, 2008

Mondays Suck

The more I think about it, the less I can find anything good about Mondays.
Mondays rip us away from our restful states and bring us back to work- whether to a job or within the home. Mondays tend to feel like extra long and boring days; lonely days; chore days.

This morning as I cling to my coffee like Golum to his "precious" and gaze at the piles or paperwork I have surrounding me, I let out a big resounding "UGGHHHH!!!". I wish I could crawl back into bed and just sleep 'til about noon and then get some laundry done I didn't have time for over the weekend.

I think I'd rather be just about anywhere than here. I so do NOT want to work today. On top of it, I hear there's a big snowstorm coming our way. That ought to make the afternoon commute pleasant- or not so much.

Gee Mondays make me such a crab ass.

Anyway, to lighten things up, here's a brief review of this past weekend:

Friday- atteded the Rock which I'm trying to do more frequently. After the service I met a co-worker and his girlfriend at the Parkside Lounge for karaoke. Sadly, the Parkside will be closing its doors on Saturday night and is soon to be torn down.

Saturday- came to work but that lasted about 90 minutes. Met my girlfriend Jen at the mall for her birthday outing. We went to The Cheesecake Factory which neither of us had been to before. The menu was seriously like a book. I like options in dining but there is such a thing as TOO MANY options.
I had Evelyn's favoite pasta. It was pretty good as far as pastas go.

Jen and I then went to see "Juno" which has been all the rage lately. It was actually pretty cute and the dialogue was witty.

Due to illness and blaseness in some of my friends I did not go out for karaoke Saturday night but instead met my friend Kurt at the Tapestry in Minneapolis for some swing dancing. I always tell people I'm a singer not a dancer but this was actually really, really fun! I only stayed for about 3 hours but I plan to go back and do some lessons. I'd like to be a better dancer. i'm just not a great follow because I don't trust the leads enough. I think it will be good practice for me to learn to trust by dancing.

After the dance, I caught the end of the Republican debate at my best friend Troy's. I have to say I do not like McCain, or Romney. I don't have a very high opinion of Huckabee though he seemed better than the aforementioned 2 and Ron Paul seemed alright.
Admittedly, I'm still at a loss as to who to vote for, for president this year.

Yesterday I dragged myself out of bed to attend Woodland Hills church (my former church) with my mom, sister, and sister's fiancee Joe. After church we went to IHOP which I'd never been to before. Joe's niece works there apparently and it was ok. The steak was too sweet for my taste but the pancakes were good.

Later I went with my mom to visit my grandparents who have been sick with colds lately. After a few hours there I came home and made my third attempt at baking beer bread. This time there were no kitchen travesties, but I was a bit timid leaving the bread in the oven too long. I'd say the results were OK but I need to work on the recipe a bit.

I split watching the Superbowl by starting at my place, then going to the bowling alley to have cake with the family for my sister's birthday, then to the Parkside for one drink, then back home.
I rooted for the Patriots, but I'm happy for Eli Manning that he won a Superbowl, too. It was a great game. Pretty exciting at the end.

Now back to this Monday thing. Guess I should try to make some of these papers disappear.

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