Well to be honest, I've never met Alan Rickman so I don't know that I truly love him, but I've been an admirer of his for some time and it blossoms ever more the more I see his works.
Or course Mr. Rickman plays well known villains like Hans Gruber and The Sheriff of Nottingham, and the mysterious Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films, but yesterday I FINALLY watched "Sanse and Sensibility" since these past few months I've been on a Jane Austen kick.
Until I bought the movie, I had no idea Alan Rickman was in it and it was another great performance.
One thing I admire about Alan Rickman is that he plays complex characters, many times neither good nor bad or at least it's hard to distinguish. There are many layers of emotion and mystery that his characters are shrouded in, and some characters that display the shades of gray that are so true to the human spirit because let's face it, life is seldom black and white and choices are rarely easy.
I have to admit in watching "Sense and Sensibility" I liked Willoughby's character because he was younger and more extroverted but I would have gone more for Colonel Brandon. I loved the way Rickman portrayed him.
"Love Actually" was another great role for Rickman and though he plays a cheating husband, there was a certain appeal he held -an attraction that I haven't notice in any other role.
Then there is the role Rickman has in "Galaxy Quest" -AWESOME. "....by Grabthar's hammer........" :)
So though I admire many actors like Johnny Depp, and Mel Gibson, and Colin Firth and actresses like Kate Winslet, Emma Thompson, Renee Zellweger.....etc, I give special kudos to the sexy, mysterious, deliciously menacing, and delightfully comedic Alan Rickman.
He is now added to my list of people I would most like to meet before I die.
I'm still jealous and elated of my friend Criag's encounter with Tom Baker.......an opportunity of a lifetime that I'm sure I'll never have.
Happy Monday all!
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