What a week it's been!
Of course the whole world has heard by now that Heath Ledger died. That will undoubtedly give the media something to cover for 6 months.
I'm not a person who had to see every Ledger movie because he was in it, but I really did like him in "10 Things I Hate About You", and "The Patriot".
I don't believe I've seen any of his other movies yet, though someday I'll rent "A Knight's Tale" and "Cassanova". I'm highly anticipating his performance as "The Joker" in the upcoming Batman film with many others I'm sure.
I've been experimenting in the kitchen again. This time my interest is swayed towrds marinades and breads.
I've had some great results with my experimental teryaki marinade and buffalo marinade. One of my roommates also gave the teryaki a thumbs up.
As for breads, I had a slight incident last night where the butter I pured over the top of the dough to bake it, boiled over to the bottom of the oven where it generated copius amounts of smoke. I had been downstairs and had to open all windows and doors as well as hold a wet rag over my face to get to the oven. My bread was only half-baked but I couldn't finish it due to the smoke so until I have a chance to clean and scrub out the oven, my bread making activites are suspended. :(
A Christmas present from my cousin finally arrived from Canada yesterday. It was the best present EVER!!!!!
Check it out:
Anyone who knows me well knows I'm a very big Doctor Who fan and I'm fortunate enough to have met other such fans as myself at my church, The Rock.
This shirt will be worn much I dare say...
I got back from Mexico on Sunday. It was warm/hot; sunny every day. I spent the majority of the time there sleeping----- yes sleeping.
I went on vacation because I was burnt out and just needed a change of scenery, not to mention weather. I slept 11 hours every night with 3 hour naps at least 1/2 of the days I was there.
It's wasn't a touristy place and if you walk a mile you've just about walked thru the whole town.
There wasn't much to do there. I visited my friends who I'd longed to see. I did not get sick this time. But despite this frozen hell here, I'm glad to be back.
My energy returned to me - though is rapidly fading with all the stuff I've been getting done.

Here are the people I went with (minus the 2 kids). From left to right- Joaquin (My friend and co-worker Irma's husband), Irma, me, Lupe (Irma's sister and my former co-worker), Noe (Lupe's husband and Joaquin's brother) and Felix (Joaquin and Noe's cousin who I dubbed "the Little Chihuahua that his family now calls him).
Here we are at a Rodeo- which seemed rather impromtu but we drove an hour thru the mountains to get there. It's a different world down there. As for the rodeo...... it sucked. No one rider lasted more than 5 seconds and there were only 3 rides. Oh well. the ambiance was nice, expecially with the Mariachi band playing off to the side.
More on the trip later.........
Valentine's Day is around the corner. Every year I have high hopes for this holiday and every year I become more discouraged by it as it becomes more and more marketed and commercialized....as if it's a "couples" holiday. Ok then how about a "single's" holiday, huh?
I still do not view it as a "couples" holiday and usually go out and spend it with friends or family or singles who just want to have a good time. Unfortuantely, I also have good friends who would just as soon bury their heads in the sand until the day was over than celebrate the many other ways in which we as humans "love".
As of yet I have no plans and might hang out with my mom or rent movies and hang out alone. Who knows??? I think I'm gonna wing it.
Superbowl Sunday is next weekend.
I confess I stopped watching football when the Vikings lost to the Giants 42- whatever it was. Now I try to watch the Superbowl and I enjoy it. I confess I love to see what the Bud Lite ad people have come up with over the year. Generally speaking, I REALLY REALLY LOATHE commercials, but to see them once a year and when they're clever I actually sort of enjoy them.
I think those Bud Lite people are clever but every year I still wait to be disappointed.
Dont know what I'm doing for that even either. My kitchen escapades are making me long to make a bunch of tasty treats but many of my friends are having parties with small groups or house churches. Since I belong to neither this year, I feel a bit left out.
There's another one I'll wing.
The next 2 months are intense bowling season time. Sunday morning Red Eye league starts in 3 weeks and if we take on additional teams- such as my dad and my brother's bowling teammate from another league, the competition and rivalry will be greatly increased.
My brother Robbie and I won this league last year. He's now carrying a 230-something average while mine has dropped 10 pins this year to a 161.
This week I couldn't keep up a decent game and finished only with a 150, 156, 157.
I hope the extra practice in Red-Eye league along with the Spring Fling bowling tournament will increase my average a bit.
That's about all I have for now. I have no idea what's going on in the world other than celebrity gossip and only that because it's EVERY WHERE!!!! I can't get away from it- most especially at the grocery store as I stand in line- and being it the kitchen a lot, I'm at the grocery store a lot.
I heard something about George W. changing daylight savings time???? Change it? Get rid of it.
Are we still in Iraq? Who's running for President again? Chuck Norris? (I really do know the answers to those questions- just feel out of touch though).
Until next time..............................
hey, so i linked over from the comment you left on my blog... you are cool! you like hockey! and random stuff like dr. who and bowling!?! so cool. (i can't say i am super into dr who or bowling, but i def have mass respect for people who like things that are a little out of the ordinary, oh, and people who like hockey).
great blog! you seem super cool!
Hey thanks :)
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