Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Looks like we'll be blizzard free this Halloween. I have to say it's been a beautiful day. There's nothing like not working on nice days such as this; except when it's not working because you have the latest highly infectious plague going around.

After being sick from October to March last year I thought I accumulated enough immunity to last awhile. I was wrong. I've spent the last week weak, light-headed, stuffed up, coughing up thick green goo, and lost my voice.
Being sick sucks. On top of that, I've had to use vaction time to cover time away from work and I've spent my time off cleaning and moving instead of resting.

It's official though....I'm now living in a house again- even if it is with 2 guys. I already miss my apartment but it was time to move on- or I thought it was.
Since my sister's engagement announcement last week, looks like I'll be stuck in MN until next September now.
I sill know I will move out west, it's just that the timing seems to be off in this.

These last couple months I've tried hard to do some soul searching and reflecting. I can't say I'm closer to any answers but I have a better picture of which direction I want my life to go in and for me that's a huge step because I feel like I've been wandering around aimlessly for most of my 20s.
Though I've yearned to go back and continue school I've decided that it's just not where I really want to be right now. Maybe I still don't know exactly what I want- but at least I know more of what I do NOT want.

Anyway I just had some time to kill before facing a new doctor in a little while. There's nothing like sitting in a CAribou and being the only person wearing a Halloween costume.
I think America has really lost it's sense if festivity. Everything is rush rush rush leading to half-asses jobs and half-assed enthusiasm.

Well time to see what the doctor has to say.....

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