My apartment is now bare. All furniture has been removed and it's hard to believe that I have one week left there after living there for over three years. it feels like I just moved in.
For those of you who don't know, I surrendered my apartment and my privacy in order to not be tied to a lease when I finally make the big jump and move to the West coast.
My plans for that move have been fraught with financial issues, family issues, and work issues.
Originally I was going to move there this month until I had to come up with $1000 in unforseeable expenses. Since then I've revised the plan to move in March and have been pretty firm in that. I got out of my lease; I'm moving in with my brother.
Now just when things seemed to start falling into place, my sister announced this weekend that she is engaged and getting married in August. As her only sister I kind of expect to be in the wedding.......something that would be hard to do if I move out west because I couldn't afford to come back so soon. Now I'm faced with a dilemma. Do I move anyway and just hope I can work out dress fittings in Washington, as well as come up with enough money to come back in August?
Or do I postpone my move -yet again- until September???
One just can't plan on anything. Yet I still feel a great pull to go out West. Perhaps I'm meant to go but the timing just isn't right yet.
So if anyone wants somthing to pray about, a little wisdom and guidance as to what I should do would be nice.
I also hope that living with my brother and his friend will be ok. I don't want to have to be the housemaid for 2 guys but my brother Robbie is my closest sibling. He's got a great heart and a good sense of humor. 
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