Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tuesday Chick-Bits

I had 2 good ideas for blogs today. At present I can remember neither one of them. Crap.

You know what I hate? Televisions in restaurants. Sure it can be a good ice breaker, but it really gets under my skin when I take time out of my day to meet a loved one or aquaintance for a meal and we are unable to converse because the blasted TV is constantly running.

It's just crap anyway. Most of the time it's neverending news like CNN, Etc- and it's the SAME news. Someone just robbed something, or got robbed or killed. Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Lindsay Lohan gets arrested for drunk driving, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Paris Hilton, Iraq, Iraq ,Iraq. Ughhhhh. Just give me the damn gun already!

Im ok.

Now I remember one pf my blog topics. How could I forget?????????
This weekend I will be starting my 2nd job for the next couple months, therin increasing my weekly work hours from 42 to 65+. Yay......there's something to look forward to this summer.


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