Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Anyone ever take a personality test?

I've taken many quizzes and free personality tests and surprisingly I remain rather consistent in the label I'm given.

Can't say that I claim to know which personality test was devised by whom but some of my results are:


Idealist (< 20% of the population)

SI -from the DISC test

Today from the Myers-Briggs test, I am an ISTP which is an artisan or craftsman (or in my case woman).

Basically in all these tests I am a natural introvert but with an adventurous/potentially reckless streak. I tend to let things build up inside me and guess I could be considered passive-aggressive.

I like to know how things work.
I'm dominant in group situations if I feel the group is slacking off; though I prefer to work independently.

I guess nothing these tests tell me is anything I didn't already know about myself, yet I still find them interesting to take. Like I'm ego-centric.

Just count the number of times I say or write "I". That should tip you off. :)

Today is a day of classic professional boredom. Most of the time I don't feel like any sort of "professional". I just want to crawl in bed and take a 2 week siesta.

This weekend can't get here soon enough.

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