Saturday, February 03, 2007

Just Another Ordinary Day

I would have to agree with fellow blogger Peter (JLP) that February is the month of the damned. It's cold, it's dark, and it takes love out of romance.

Today I have nothing pertinent to write about. It's been a strenuous week in the aspect that for the next two months I am learning both German and Russian. A bit ambitious perhaps, but I have this problem with sitting still. Television holds next to no interest for me, so rather than stare at the walls I take classes. My cubicle is full of post-its with German words and a big chart of the Russian alphabet.
Now my mind is full of words in all these languages and it's trying to sort out which words go to which language. (For those that don't know me, I speak Spanish every day at work and there's always more to learn there).

Looking back on my last post, I may have been having a stressful day and had a slight chip on my shoulder. Nothing makes me angrier or more frustrated than when someone says they're going to call and doesn't, or when they say they'll be somewhere and don't show up. How I find so many of this class of people I'll never know.

The more I pray for patience lately, it seems the less of it I have. I have no patience to wait around for anyone, no patience to bowl, no patience to stay in any one place for more than 2 hours (including work) and seem to wrestle with everything. I feel like as I'm trying to run more towards God it's sort of diagonally- like I think I'm running straight to him, but really I'm sidestepping alot.

So as this week has passed here's where my dating life stands:

Curt and I have spoken several times via e-mail. He is the sweetest guy I've conversed with. Thinking back on the 5+ years I've known him, he's always been very sweet. We haven't gotten together though and it's now been almost a month since I last saw him.

He says in every message how he misses me and can't wait to see me, but every time I come up with a time or place to do something he's either unavailable or just doesen't answer his phone. this week he's not feeling well because of a flu shot he got on Monday. It's the classic case of saying one thing and doing another. So what can I do? Just keep giving him grace I suppose and wait for his drama to die down.

In the meantime, I went to dinner Tuesday with another friend, Mike. Mike can be annoying at times and a bit immature but he does have some redeeming qualities. He loves to fish and spend time up north. He's polite and returns calls. :) I was very skeptical about going out with him, but it went very well. He wants to hang out tonight. So as I want to keep moving forward and not put my life in limbo or put it on hold to wait around and see what some guy's going to do next, why not go out with other people?

I won't call it a date, just hanging out. More and more I think this dating thing isn't for me. Dating alludes to romance and certain expectations, and how to form a relationship based upon Biblical priciples seems to keep eluding me.

It's hard to figure out dating or hanging out with people outside the umbrella of the Rock or Evergreen, etc. Most of my friends outside the Rock are non-practicing Christians or want nothing to do with church. Their views are very worldly and makes it confusing and tempting to go back to a more worldly way of living. Just sucks. There's my little woman's perspective for the week. Boys have cooties.. :)

One other interesting conversation I had this week was before my German class. There are 2 Fransican nuns who are in my class and we were discussing God and the different denominations beforehand. I told them I'm not Catholic but my mom's family is and my dad used to work in a convent so I'm familiar with going to mass. When I told them I was non-denominational and what my church was about, they said that was a trend of younger people and asked if I went there because I wanted that "feel good" experience. I explained that I've been to churches of just about every denomination and non-denom is what's best for me- not to mention what I was raised in. They were polite but I could tell they think Catholicism is "the only way". It was an interesting conversation and I'm sure we'll have many more in the weeks to come.

That's about all for my random thoughts this week.

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