Friday, April 04, 2008

My Favorite Games to Play at Work

One thing about having 12 years in at a company is one can become exceedingly efficient at one's job thereby freeing up- oh say a few hours of- afternoon time to see what games the world wide web has to offer.

I try to stick to simple games.

#1. Doctor Who trivia- brought to me by facebook.

I admit I was never really into the MySpace/Facebook phenonema for networking. However I love some of the applications. Since Doctor Who is my all time favorite show- one I never tire of watching and fantasize about constantly (to avoid the reality of actually being at work) it's quite addicting for me.

#2. Oregon Trail- also brought to me by facebook.

It's not quite the original that I learnt at 6 years old on the Apple II computer but it's got a few fun things. Medicine distribution is one. I just learnt to use it. I've been playing for weeks and everyone was daying in my wagon and I had all this medicine and didn't know how to use it.

Only on Oregon trail can you cannibalize your fellow wagon mates, challenge other wagons to duels, steal from wagons, write epitaphs for your friends and have your friends just finally die, die of excessive diarrhea, or be left to die due to bad body odor.

Oh the humanity!!!!

#3. Blogthings.

I love taking senseless quizzes.

#4. Google Image search- yes that can be a game.

#5. commenting on blogs. Sometimes it's like a game.

#6. Minesweeper. This isn't an online game which can be good if your online time is limited, monitored or inaccessible.

#7. Solitaire.
This was once a major game for me, but I prefer real live cards to the computer version and have way over played both.

#8. Hearts.
Hearts is my family's most competitive the point we've had shirts and hats made that read "there can be only one" as we used to watch "The Highlander" while playing.
This could be a blog in itself, but when the family get together and plays, not only do we flick the lights on and off when a player is eliminated as symbolic of whacking them and taking their power, we also do the Klingon shun by standing up and turning our backs at the table when we see an unruly alliance forming between players.
I use all the computer practice I can get to work on strategies......but with my family- trying to strategize doesn't always work.

#9. Taking more senseless quizzes on Facebook.

#10. Playing the Dalek extermination game on the Doctor Who website.

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