Monday, March 17, 2008

Wrath o' the Leprechaun

Happy St. Patrick's day to ye all! Looks like someone stole the pot o' gold 'neath the rainbow last week. The leprechaun's retalliation was swift. Now we get more snow. Will this winter ne'er end????

Saturday I was in my first ever St. Patrick's day parade. I can say I've done it. It was bloody cold and I think there were as many people in the parade as watched it.

Here are some pics of us as we stood around waiting for the parade to start so we could jump in.

This is me with my friend Ryan to the left and John to the right. It was John's first time as well :)
The coldest part was going thru downtown. I tried to wave at people but couldn't feel my fingers. They were dark purple. I tossed candy at kids and felt bad becuase I literally tossed it right at their heads, not out on front of them. Will have to work on my aim.

This is my friend Justin's homemade music machine. It played Irish songs his grandpa recorded. We walked the parade in memory of him. I didn't realize it was his grandpa singing the songs and made a comment to Ryan that the music was a bit slow and we should play more upbeat Irish music.....oops.
(Justin didn't hear though- he's the one in black on the left)

This is Tommy- long time patron of the Parkside Lounge which is about ot be torn down. On the way downtown, Tommy told us how he saw the Parkside sign leaning against the side of the building -Tommy lives next door to the Side- and he tried to carry it up to his apartment but realized it should've been a two person job. He had to take it back over to the Parkside though because once he got it to his apartment he realized it didn't fit inside.

I don't know what happened to Tommy. After the parade a few of us looked for a bathroom. Tommy was with us, then he disappeared and the rest of us caught a bus over to the Grand 7. We never did find him. For all I know, he's still downtown somewhere. .......

Good times.

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