Friday, August 03, 2007

A Day Late and $620 Short

So I've decided to move out west and to do so near the beginning of October. I got my lease papers and checked my intent to vacate. Of course I failed to notice the paperwork was due July 31st instead of August 1st as I had thought.

Normally I have a 4 day grace period in which to pay rent so I didn't think a few hours would make a difference. Boy was I WRONG!

My paperwork was returned to me with a note saying because I was a day late, I am now responsible for rent for October plus a $25 charge for a month to month rate-even though it doesn't put me on the month to month plan.

So much for being a good tenant I guess. For 3 years I've paid my rent on time and not rocked any boats and I get this slap in the face. Now granted, those extra few hours I was late in handing in my paperwork isn't really going to make a difference to the powers that be of my apartment complex. It does however make a HUGE difference to me that I am now stuck for another month's rent which means I may as well get my money's worth and spend another 4 weeks with my neighboring crackwhores and gangster wannabes.

I do love my apartment but I am frustrated that shit happens.
So I am just going to take my anger out on this blog.

My best friend's working on me to wait 'til spring to move so I can pay down more debt. I now find myself considering this plan but the real reason for the move-a certain man in my life with whom I have a realtionship that is ripping me apart from the inside out- will still remain and I don't think I'll be able to emotionally handle another 6 months in the Twin Cities.

Seems I've never been able to plan anything and have it turn out the way I planned it. I can't seem to get my ducks in a row and that just makes me want to pull out a rifle and shoot them instead.

It makes me want to get knocked up, go on welfare and become a raging alcoholic so I don't have to deal with life's problems. (I have no intention of doing that by the way)

In the end, guess I'm stuck here another 4 weeks- unless that is I get a marriage proposal which I told my mom is the only thing that would make me stay. Somehow I don't forsee that happening though.

This week's bowling scores: 144, 218, 179. I beat my brother and Homer 1 game. YES!!!

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