Generally I've had no reason to have a rapport with birds in any other way but good- geese being a whole different subject.
This summer I've decided to have a garden on my deck.
This "Little" project that is surmounting to a small fortune has apparently been dubbed as prime real estate for a couple of robins.
Not one week after I bought and hung some baskets of flowers, this is what I discovered:
What the hell? Apparently Robins love mobile homes as much as a certain demographic of people do. I won't expound there since I feel like maintaining an atmosphere of niceness on my blog- for today at least.
So I was faced with a dilemma. Surely these industrious beasts couldn't be deprived of their new home. I couldn't blame them for their locale. It's airy, it's pretty, and it smells nice.
However, letting them take over my plant like the uprising of union workers, I would have to let my plant suffer and probably die. Reluctantly I decided to let the nest remain.
A few days later I pulled the basket down and found one egg in there. Yesterday I found a couple more....

I am looking forward to seeing the little baby birds-not to listen to their incessant chirping when they hatch but I'll have to suffer the bad with the good.
Next year I'll have to remember to spray my plants with chemicals to keep the birds out. i'm all for the miracle of life in whatever form, but I think this is an experience best left to once a decade or something.
Last Wednesday's bowling scores: 191, 168, 212.
This average is gonna be a killer to maintain.
I finally got my hand fitted for my new Storm Spitfire ball, though the Storm Shock Trauma still seems to be working quite well for me.
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